KLIFAA - Anugerah Akademi Telenovela & FIlem Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur


7:00 pm - 12:00 am

Planery Hall, KLCC

Anugerah Akademi Filem & Telenovela Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIFAA) membentangkan permaidani merah mengalu - alukan penyertaan komuniti pengeluar drama/filem adaptasi global. KLIFAA berhasrat memperkasa ikatan mesra silang budaya antarabangsa, memupuk semangat komuniti secara global dan bersatu melalui medium filem dengan menonjolkan nilai murni masyarakat. Kuala Lumpur sebuah ibu kota pelbagai budaya dan kreativiti.

Acara monumental ini mempamerkan kemegahannya setiap tahun di tengah-tengah Kuala Lumpur sebagai rumah perpaduan. Anugerah KLITFA 2023 mengundang dunia sama - sama meraikan khazanah sinematik luar biasa komuniti drama/filem antarabangsa yang bergema dengan nilai bersama dan aspirasi artistik kemanusiaan. 

Tema Anugerah KLIFAA , 'Inspiring Brilliance Igniting Passion' menyediakan pentas unutk memasyhurkan 49 anugerah berprestij dari empat kategori—Filem, Drama TV, Dokumentari dan Filem Pendek.

Awards & Prizes

Awards Setting

The first KLITFA Awards features a total of 49 awards across four categories of film, telenovela, short film and documentary. There are 14 Film awards, 10 Telenovela awards, 4 Documentary awards and 4 Short film awards.

(I) Film Category (14 awards):

1. Best Film

2. Best Director

3. Best Screenplay

4. Best Actor in a Leading Role

5. Best Actress in a Leading Role

6. Best Actor in a Supporting Role

7. Best Actress in a Supporting Role

8. Best Cinematography

9. Best Editing

10. Best Original Score

11. Best Visual Effects

12. Lifetime Achievement Award

13. Best kids Actor

14. Best kids Actress


(II) Telenovela Category (1o awards):

1. Best Telenovela

2. Best Director

3. Best Adapted Screenplay

4. Best Actor in a Leading Role

5. Best Actress in a Leading Role

6. Best Actor in a Supporting Role

7. Best Actress in a Supporting Role

8. Best Cinematography

9. Best Original Score

10. Best Editing


(III) Documentary Category (4 awards):

1. Best Documentary

2. Best Director

3. Best Cinematography

4. Best Editing


(IV) Short Film Category ( 4awards):

1. Best short film

2. Best Director

3. Best Cinematography

4. Best Editing


(V) Organizational Category (6 Award):

1. Outstanding Organization Award

2. Exemplary Entertainment Network

3. Asia's Top OTT Revenue Achiever

4. Global Media Impact Award

5. Leadership in Broadcasting

6.Media Visionary of the Year


Rules & Terms

1. Eligibility Criteria:

Films released between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2024, will be considered for this category.

2. Submission Process:

Submissions must be made by the film's production company, distributor, or an authorized representative. Filmmakers must provide a completed submission form containing accurate and detailed information about the film, its cast, crew, and the original source material.

Submissions must include a digital copy of the film for screening purposes. The format and resolution requirements will be specified upon registration.

3. Original Source Material:

Films submitted in this category must be adaptations of published literary works. Filmmakers are required to provide evidence of the rights or permissions acquired to adapt the source material.

4. Release Requirements:

Films must have had a public theatrical release or a recognized film festival premiere between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2024. Online streaming releases on reputable platforms will also be accepted.

5. Format and Technical Requirements:

Submissions must be made in digital format, following the technical specifications provided upon registration.

Films must have English subtitles if the original language is not English.

6. Supporting Materials:

Filmmakers must provide a synopsis of the film and a brief description of how the adaptation was executed. This can include insights into the creative decisions made to translate the source material into a cinematic experience.

High-resolution promotional images, film stills, and posters should also be submitted along with the entry.

7. Judging and Selection:

A panel of esteemed judges, including filmmakers, critics, and industry professionals, will review the submissions. The films will be evaluated based on their artistic merit, faithfulness to the source material, creative interpretation, and overall impact.

8. Awards:

The best adaptation released between 2023 and 2024 will be recognised and celebrated at the award ceremony. The winning film will receive a prestigious award trophy and official recognition.

9. Submission Deadline:

The deadline for submissions is 31st October 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.

10. Contact Information:


For inquiries and submissions, please contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.